Thursday, October 29, 2015


Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akimpongeza
> kwa furaha mshindi wa kinyang'anyiro cha Urais kwa
> tiketi ya CCM na Rais Mteule Dkt John Pombe Joseph Magufuli
> mara baada ya Mwenyekiti wa  Tume ya Taifa ya Uchaguzi Jaji
> Damian Lubuva  kutangaza kutangaza rasmi matokeo ya
> uchaguzi mkuu Ikulu jijini Dar es salaam ambako walifuatilia
> kwa pamoja matangazo hayo ya moja kwa moja kupitia vituo vya
> televisheni

Standard Bank consolidates its East African presence with official opening of Ethiopian representative office

Standard Bank Group has expanded its already extensive East African footprint with the official opening of a representative office in Ethiopia. This means that Standard Bank, which is Africa’s largest bank by assets, has a continent-wide footprint in 20 African countries.

The representative office, which is based in Addis Ababa, was opened by Standard Bank Chief Executive, Ben Kruger. It will act as an entry point for clients seeking to invest in Ethiopia and will be administered by Standard Bank’s head office in South Africa

The growth potential for the East African region continues to attract significant investment. With an established presence across four of the key markets in the region, namely Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, the opening of the Ethiopian representative office is indicative of the group’s commitment to the region.

“As a bank rooted in Africa, our vision is to build a leading financial institution that delivers superior products and services for all our customers. We are able to leverage our strong position on the continent, our strategic partnership with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), and our sector expertise in natural resources, to facilitate capital investment in support of growth and to connect African markets to each other,” says Mr. Kruger.

Ethiopia’s remarkable growth has been underpinned by high public investment and a growing consumer base. The country boasts the second largest population on the continent, behind Nigeria, at around 90 million. GDP growth has averaged about 10.0% over the past 5 years. Heavy public investment in agriculture, energy and transport are likely to continue to support growth in the medium term as the government ramps up its productive sectors.

The energy sector is also set to boom with power projects at various stages of development, and with Ethiopia emerging as a major power hub in the region, energy exports will likely become a major foreign exchange earner in the near future. Industry and manufacturing, a top priority for Ethiopia, are likely to start making a more significant contribution in the country’s GDP going forward which will largely be facilitated by the increase electricity supply.

“As such, establishing a presence in Ethiopia is in recognition of the increasing interest by investors and our clients, in the country’s economic growth. Standard Bank will be well-positioned to take advantage of the cross-sectorial investment opportunities both in Ethiopia and the region as a whole.  Our experience in East African markets will benefit all our clients by providing them with insights into how best to capitalise on their investments in the region,” said Mr Kruger.

 “We believe that we are uniquely positioned to support the government’s plans in attracting more investments into the country through our client base on the continent and facilitating the financing on their behalf,” said Ms Taitu Wondwosen, Head of Coverage Ethiopia.


Chama cha Mapinduzi hakijaridhishwa na utaratibu wa kukusanya na kujumlisha matokeo kwenye baadhi ya majimbo. Katika majimbo manne kumekuwa na ukiukwaji mkubwa wa utaratibu wa uchaguzi, hasa katika kujumlisha matokeo, uliopelekea wabunge wa upinzani kutangazwa washindi. Majimbo hayo ni Iringa Mjini, Mikumi, Ndanda na Kawe. Wasimamizi wa uchaguzi katika majimbo haya wamevuruga uchaguzi. Kutokana na utata uliokuwa umejitokeza wakati wa zoezi la kujumlisha kura, CCM iliomba kura zihesabiwe upya lakini ikanyimwa haki hiyo ya msingi ambayo iko kwenye sheria. Kwenye baadhi ya majimbo, ikiwemo Nyamagana, wapinzani walipewa haki ya kura kuhesabiwa upya. Kwa msingi huo, CCM imeamua kwenda mahakamani kupinga matokeo ya uchaguzi katika majimbo haya. Tunataka sote tujiridhishe kwamba utashi wa wananchi umeheshimiwa. Bado tunaendelea kukusanya taarifa za maeneo mengine kama kulikuwa na ukiukwaji mkubwa uliobadilisha matakwa ya wapiga kura. Hata hivyo, tunakiri kwamba kwenye maeneo mengi tulikopoteza viti vya Ubunge, tumepoteza kihalali, hatuna malalamiko, tunaheshimu maamuzi ya wananchi, na tutafanya tathmini baada ya uchaguzi ili tubaini makosa na kuyarekebisha.
CCM imepokea maoni ya awali ya waangalizi wa uchaguzi. Tumefarijika kwamba karibu wote wametoa kauli ya pamoja kwamba uchaguzi huu ulikuwa wa haki na huru, uliofanyika kwa uwazi na kwa amani – na kwamba changamoto zilizojitokeza ni ndogo na zimetokea katika maeneo machache kiasi zisingeweza kubadilisha matokeo ya uchaguzi yanayotangazwa sasa. Tumepokea mapendekezo waliyoyatoa kwa wadau mbalimbali kuhusu namna ya kuboresha mchakato wa uchaguzi kwa miaka ijayo, na hivyo kuimarisha demokrasia nchini mwetu. Kwa kauli za waangalizi hawa, kwamba, kwa jinsi uchaguzi ulivyoendeshwa, matokeo yanayotangazwa sasa ni kielelezo sahihi cha utashi wa Watanzania kuhusu viongozi wanaowataka.
Tumesikia malalamiko ya viongozi wa UKAWA kupitia mkutano wao na waandishi wa habari jana. Tumeshangazwa na kauli kwamba hawakubali matokeo ya Urais yanayotangazwa na Tume. Hata hivyo, matokeo ya Ubunge wanayakubali na, kule wanakoshinda, wanayasheherekea. Tunashangazwa kwasababu Tume iliyoandaa uchaguzi wa Rais ni hiyo hiyo iliyoandaa uchaguzi wa Wabunge, wasimamizi ni walewale, vituo ni vilevile, na sheria na taratibu zilizotumika ni zilezile. Hata fomu ya matokeo walizosaini wakala wao kwenye vituo vya kupiga kura, zimegawanywa katika sehemu (columns) tatu: Urais, Ubunge na Udiwani. Mawakala wao walisaini fomu hizo kwenye vituo vya kupiga kura.  Wameanza kuwa na matatizo na matokeo haya baada ya kuona mwelekeo wa kushindwa. Kama mwelekeo ungekuwa tofauti, wangekuwa na imani na Tume, wasimamizi na taratibu zote.
Tunaomba ifike pahala sasa kwamba, katika kuijenga demokrasia yetu na kuliimarisha taifa letu, tuanze utamaduni mpya wa anayeshindwa kunyanyua simu kumpigia anayeshinda na kumpongeza. Nafasi ya mwisho aliyonayo Mgombea wa UKAWA kuendelea kujijengea heshima katika jamii yetu, na kuwa mwanademokrasia, ni kwa kufanya hivyo siku Dkt. Magufuli atakapotangazwa mshindi. 
Kwetu sisi CCM, kuchagua wagombea bora na kuwanadi na kutengeneza sera bora na kuzinadi, pamoja na rekodi yetu katika uongozi wa nchi, ndio njia zetu pekee za ushawishi. Katika uchaguzi huu, wananchi wamefanya maamuzi yao kwa uhuru na utashi, ikiwemo kuwaangusha mawaziri sita ambao tuliwasimamisha kama wagombea wetu katika majimbo mbalimbali. Nguvu na utashi wa wananchi umejidhihirisha katika uchaguzi huu.
Mchakato wa uchaguzi sasa unakaribia kufikia ukingoni, tutawapata madiwani, wabunge na Rais, tunapaswa kuendelea na maisha na tuwape nafasi watutumikie. Jitihada tunazoziona sasa za viongozi wa UKAWA za kuendeleza siasa za uchaguzi kwenye mitaa ya miji yetu kwa njia za vurugu na maandamano hazikubaliki hata kidogo. Tunalaani kitendo cha wafuasi wa UKAWA kuchoma ofisi za CCM katika Wilaya ya Mbozi.  Amani ya nchi hii ina thamani kuliko hitaji la madaraka la mtu yoyote. Wenzetu wa UKAWA wana haki ya kulalamika lakini hawana haki ya kuiingiza nchi yetu machafukoni kwa kuwakusanya vijana na kuwaingiza mitaani wafanye vurugu na kuhatarisha maisha, kuharibu mali na kusimamisha shughuli za watu wengine. Tunawaomba Watanzania waendelee na shughuli zao kama kawaida huku kila mmoja akitambua wajibu wake wa kuilinda amani ya nchi yetu.

January Makamba
Mjumbe wa Kamati ya Kampeni ya CCM

Safari za ndege za shirika zaanza kuelekea kituo cha 13 katika Afrika Mashariki

Dubai, Muungano wa Falme za Kiarabu. 25 Oktoba 2015 / -- Ndege ya Safari ya uzinduzi ya FZ665 ya flydubai imetua jana kwenye mji mkuu wa Eritrea, Asmara. Huku ikitua katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Asmara, maafisa wakuu wa Eritrea wakiongozwa naTesfaslassieBerhane, Waziri wa Usafiri na Mawasiliano, AskaluMenkorios, Waziri wa Utalii na PaulosKahsai, Mkurugenzi wa Mamlaka ya Safari za Ndege aliukaribisha ujumbe wa flydubai ukiongozwa na SudhirSreedharan, Kaimu rais Mkuu, timu ya Kibiashara (GCC, Bara hindi, Afrika) na wanachama wakuu wa usimamizi wa shirika hili la ndege.
Ghaith Al Ghaith, Afisa mkuu wa flydubai alisema, “Kuongezwa kwa Asmara kwenye mfumo wetu unaonyesha kujitolea kwetu katika kuimarisha uunganishaji wa safari za ndege hadi Dubai ambao unahusisha vituo 67 ambavyo hapo awali havikuwa na uunganishaji wa safari za ndege za moja kwa moja hadi Dubai au vilivyokosa kuhudumiwa ipaswavyo hapo awali. Mji mkuu wa Eritrea umefanyika kituo chetu cha 13 cha Afrika Mashariki.”
Asmara ndicho kituo cha 17 ambacho flydubai ilitangaza mwaka huu na shirika la ndege lenyewe hivi majuzi limezindua safari hadi Burundi, Rwanda, Somaliland, Tanzania na Uganda.
Sudhir Sreedharan Kaimu Rais Mkuu, Kibiashara (GCC, Bara Hindi, Africa), flydubai alisema: “Kwa nyongeza ya safari nne kwa wiki hadi Asmara, tunawapa abiria kutoka Afrika Mashariki na muunganisho wa moja kwa moja hadi Dubai. Wakati abiria wanapochagua flydubai watafurahia huduma zetu za usafiri zinazoweza kugharamikika, zisizo na usumbufu, na zenye kutegemewa, ujuzi wa safari ya kutamanika ndani ya ndegena Kitengo chetu cha Kibiashara kilicho halisi.”
Abiria wa kitengo cha Biashara wanaweza kufurahia kiti cha kujitulizia chenye nafasi tele, chaguo la mlo kutoka kwa orodha ya vyakula vya kiwango vya kimataifa, ukaguzi wa mizigo kwa ukarimu na uharakishaji kupitia kwa forodha na kwa walinda usalama. Kwa ziada, abiria wa Kitengo cha Kibiashara wana ufikiaji wa manyumba ya mapokezi ya kibiashara kote kwenye mfumona timu ya Kibiashara iliyotengwa kwa masaa 24 ya kusaidia ununuzi wa nafasi za usafiri na kushughulikia maswali kote safarini.
Abiria wanaosafiri kwenye Kitengo cha Uchumi wanaweza kufurahia mitambo ya utumbuizaji ya ndani ya ndege iliyowekewa zaidi ya masaa 1,300 ya yaliyomo, ikijumuisha sinema, michezo na magazeti. Sehemu ya ndani ya ndege ya Boeing Sky hupunguza uchovu nadari ya kufungia mizigo yenye nafasi kuhakikisha safari ya kutamanika. Abiria wa Kitengo cha Uchumi wanaufikiaji wa vyakula kadha moto na baridi vinavyopatikana kwa kujinunulia ndani ya ndege na za kuagiza awali.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


 Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akizungumza katika kikao kati ya ujumbe wa Tanzania na ujumbe wa Polanda aulioongozwa na Rais Mstaafu wa nchi hiyo Lech Walesa (kushoto) katika hafla ya utiaji saini  makubaliaono ya mkopo nafuu ambapo Tanzania itapokea matrekta kutoka Poland yatakayounganishwa na SUMA JKT hapa nchini. Utiaji saini huo ulifanyika kwenye  Makao Makuu ya JKT Mlalakuwa jijini Dar es slaam.
 Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo  Pinda na  Rais mstaafu wa Poland, Lech Walesa (kulia kwake) wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na ujumbe wa Tanzania na Poland ulioshiriki katika mazungumzo na utiaji saini makubaliano ya mkopo nafuu ambapo Tanzania itapokea matreta na maghala kutoka poland . Utiaji saini huo ulifanyika kwenye makao makuu ya JKT, Mlalakuwa jijini Dar es slaam.
Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda  akizungumza na Rais Mstaafu wa Poland, Lech Walesa  (kulia)  baada ya kushuhudia utiaji saini wa makubaliano ya mkopo nafuu wa matrekta na magahala  ya nafaka kutoka Poland kwenye mako Makuu ya JKT, Mlalakuwa jijini Dar es slaam.


CCM inapenda kutoa taarifa kuhusu masuala kadhaa kwa wanachama, wapenzi na mashabiki wake na kwa umma wa Watanzania.

Kufunga Kampeni
CCM itafunga kampeni zake kwa utaratibu mpya na kwa kishindo.  Kampeni za CCM zitafungwa Kitaifa kwa mikutano mikubwa ya kampeni katika mikoa mitano. Mikutano hiyo itaongozwa na viongozi wa CCM Kitaifa waliopo madarakani na wastaafu. Mikoa hiyo na viongozi watakaoongoza mikutano hiyo ni kama ifuatavyo:
 1.    Mwanza – Ndugu Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Mwenyekiti wa CCM, Dkt. John Pombe Magufuli, Mgombea Urais, na Ndugu Samia Hassan Suluhu, Mgombea Makamu wa Rais
 2.    Tanga – Ndugu Abdulrahman Kinana, Katibu Mkuu wa CCM
 3.    Mbeya – Ndugu Benjamin William Mkapa, Mwenyekiti wa CCM Mstaafu
 4.    Mtwara – Ndugu Ali Hassan Mwinyi, Mwenyekiti wa CCM Mstaafu
5.    Kigoma – Ndugu Philip Mangula, Makamu Mwenyekiti wa CCM
6.    Kilimanjaro – Ndugu Yusuf Makamba, Katibu Mkuu wa CCM Mstaafu
7.    Mara – Ndugu Joseph Warioba, Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu na Waziri Mkuu  Mstaafu
Kati ya leo na kesho, maeneo mengine yanaweza kuongezeka. Mikutano hii itaanza saa sita mchana na itarushwa, yote kwa pamoja, kwa matangazo ya moja kwa moja ya vituo vya televisheni vitano na vituo vya redio 67. Vilevile, watakaohudhuria katika mikutano hii wataunganishwa moja kwa moja na mkutano wa Mwanza, alipo Mwenyekiti, Mgombea na Mgombea Mwenza, na wataweza kusikiliza hotuba ya Dkt. Magufuli moja kwa moja kupitia screens zitakazokuwa katika viwanja vyote hivi saba.
Namna hii ya ufungaji wa kampeni itakuwa ni ya kihistoria, na inadhihirisha nguvu ya CCM inayoiwezesha kufanya mikutano mikubwa ya kampeni kwa siku moja katika maeneo mbalimbali nchini.  Lakini pia tutaweka historia katika tasnia ya utangazaji wa televisheni hapa nchini kwa kutangaza na kuunganisha kwa pamoja matukio saba kwa wakati mmoja.
Kwa upande wa Dar es Salaam, tutafanya mkutano mkubwa wa ufungaji wa kampeni za Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, katika Uwanja wa Jangwani, kesho, Ijumaa, tarehe 23 Oktoba 2015. Siku ya Jumamosi, tarehe 24 Oktoba 2015, Wagombea Ubunge katika majimbo ya Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam watafunga kampeni katika maeneo ya majimbo yao kwa namna mahsusi.

Tathmini ya Kampeni
Kama Chama, tumeridhika na ubora na ukubwa wa kampeni tulizofanya licha ya changamoto za hapa na pale. Dkt. Magufuli na Ndugu Suluhu wamefanya kazi kubwa, na kwa bidii kubwa, na maarifa makubwa. Wamekuwa barabarani kwa siku 57 wakifanya mikutano kati ya 8 hadi 12 kwa siku.  Imani yetu ya ushindi inatokana na kazi kubwa waliyofanya. Pia, CCM inawashukuru viongozi, wapenzi wa washabiki wake – wa makundi mbalimbali ya kijamii - kote nchini kwa kazi kubwa ya kampeni waliyoifanya.
Kutokana na kazi kubwa na nzuri iliyofanyika, na kutokana na mwenendo wa tafiti huru na tafiti zetu za ndani, CCM inategemea ushindi wa asilimia zisizopungua 69.

Uchaguzi wa Amani
CCM haitachoka kuendelea kusisitiza uchaguzi wa amani na utulivu. Sisi kama chama kikubwa cha siasa nchini, chenye wafuasi wengi zaidi, na chenye dhamana ya uongozi wa dola, tutatimiza wajibu wetu wa kuhimiza utulivu kwa wapenzi, washabiki na wanachama wetu. Tunawataka na wenzetu wafanye hivyo.
Kauli za wenzetu kwamba kura zitaibiwa ni kauli za kutojiamini na kujiandaa kufanya vurugu. Kauli za kwamba washabiki wa UKAWA wakishapiga kura wabaki vituoni kulinda kura si kauli za wanaotaka uchaguzi wa amani.
Kwa utaratibu wetu wa uchaguzi, utaratibu wa pekee kwa Chama kulinda kura zake ni kwa kupitia wakala wa vyama waliopo kwenye kila kituo cha kupiga kura na wenye nguvu na mamlaka ya kisheria ya kushuhudia zoezi zima, kuanzia kupiga kura, kuhesabu kura hadi kutangaza matokeo. Kura zinapigwa na kuhesabiwa vituoni mbele ya Wasimamizi wa Uchaguzi, Mawakala wa vyama na Waangalizi wa Uchaguzi wa ndani na nje ya nchi. Mawakala wa vyama na Wasimamizi wa Uchaguzi wanaweka sahihi kwenye fomu za matokeo, na matokeo hayo yanatangazwa na kubandikwa kwenye kituo. Kwenye kituo kikuu cha Tume cha kujumlisha matokeo, mawakala wa vyama pia huwepo na Tume hujumlisha matokeo kutoka kwenye fomu za matokeo za vituo vya nchi nzima zilizosainiwa na mawakala wa vyama kwenye kila kituo.  Kwa viongozi wa UKAWA kuwaambia watu waingie barabarani au kuvizunguka vituo vya kupigia kura eti ili kulinda kura hakuna maana yoyote zaidi ya kutafuta namna ya kuhalalisha fujo, vurugu na uporaji na kuwazuia watu wengine, hasa wanawake, kupiga kura. Tunaviomba vyombo vya ulinzi na usalama vizuie hili jambo kwa sababu halina nia njema.
Mkakati wa UKAWA ni kufanya vurugu baada ya kushindwa na kutengeneza mazingira ya mgogoro wa kisiasa ili Jumuiya ya Kimataifa iingilie kati na kupendekeza kugawana madaraka. Mkakati huo hautafanikiwa. Tunaviomba vyombo vya ulinzi na usalama vihakikishe ulinzi na usalama wa watu wote na mali zao siku ya uchaguzi na baada ya uchaguzi. 
CCM haitakubali hata kidogo ushindi wake kuhojiwa au kutiliwa shaka kwa sababu tu ya vurugu zilizoanzishwa na watu wengine.
Siku ya Jumamosi, CCM itatangaza namba maalum za simu kwa Watanzania wote ili siku kabla ya Uchaguzi, siku ya Uchaguzi na mara baada ya uchaguzi, waweze kupiga simu au kutuma ujumbe pale watakapokuwa wanabaini au kushuhudia vitendo vya kuvuruga amani na kuvuruga utaratibu mzima wa Uchaguzi.

Kupokea Matokeo
CCM imeweka utaratibu wa kupokea matokeo kwa kutumia Mawakala wake moja kwa moja vituoni na kupitia mtandao wa Chama. CCM inategemea kuwa na matokeo ya Uchaguzi nchi nzima ifikapo saa nne usiku, siku ya Uchaguzi, tarehe 25 Oktoba 2015. 
Imetolewa na:


January Makamba
22 OKTOBA 2015

TANESCO’s Managing Director to address Tanzania’s leading investors at forum for power sector development this December

As Tanzania’s leaders are praised for its peaceful handling of elections, an increasing number of projects are appearing which show case a country that is maturing, growing in confidence and cooperating with the right kind of partners to help it achieve its long term goal of becoming a regional hub.
The Powering Africa: Tanzania investment briefing will take place from 3-4 December at the Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam hotel. The meeting is designed for professionals active in Tanzania’s power and infrastructure sectors to meet with government decision makers and stakeholders to address the opportunities for investment and project development.
Tanzania’s first ‘mega infrastructure project,’ the Bagamoyo Port, will reportedly provide Tanzania with an increased role in the global economy.  In addition, the rail network currently being developed will link its neighbours to the west and south, increasing efficient export and regional trade. These projects combined with an increasingly mutually benefitting relationship with Kenya [who itself is building transformative infrastructure for the region to the north of Tanzania] will act as anchor programmes to significantly increase industrial output.
The country’s electricity strategy includes captive power, off-grid and major electricity projects which are all currently in development. TANESCO is readying the procurement process for 25 power projects and the REA is driving decentralised and distributed power strategies for smaller scale solutions.  A couple of projects are due to be announced in December, with TANESCO detailing the procurement process.
Simon Gosling, Managing Director at EnergyNet commented – “We’re extremely excited that TANESCO’s Managing Director Mr. Mramba and his team are once again sponsoring this meeting - but what’s really exciting is how the service sector has grown in the last two years. That level of interest is a clear indicator that bottlenecks we have addressed in the past three years at Powering Africa: Tanzania are easing. As in previous years, Tanzania’s decision makers and the region’s leading investors such as Songas, Symbion Power, GE and Stanbic Bank will gather to update each other on project tenders and address bottlenecks within the project pipeline.”

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Women for Change Award: two projects in favour of women in the Mediterranean selected

Five projects from five women were submitted to the votes between the 15 of September to the 15 of October on
. Coming from Egypt, Spain, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, the five candidates lead projects that act for women facing difficulties and improve their autonomy in their countries: women rights, professional insertion, social care, victims from sexual exploitations care, handicapped women education.

More than 20 000 net users voted! And they chose to recognize the project of Khedija El Madani (Tunisia), who will receive the Internet Users Award, which comes with 25,000 euros in aid from the Orange Foundation, to set up a network of “sentries” to monitor discriminatory practices against women.

Khedija El Madani is founder and President of the Association for Equal Opportunity and Vigilance (AVEC): AVEC's objective is to ensure that men and women have equal opportunity in terms of social development, including access to education, health services and jobs.

Nora Fitzgerald Belhacen will receive the Judges' Award, which also comes with 25,000 euros in aid from the Orange Foundation to enable women from disadvantaged neighborhoods to create their own culinary microenterprise. Nora Fitzgerald Belhacen is Founder and President of the AMAL Association for the Culinary Arts that offers training to women, which includes cooking and entrepreneurship. The purpose of the project is to make these marginalized women economically independent and self-confident.

The three other candidates will receive 5,000 euros each from the Orange Foundation to support the deployment of their projects:

Lily Fouad Attallah, Executive Director of the Development Association for Empowering Special Needs (DAESN) (Egypt): The NGO's objective is to train 20 substitute teachers so that girls with visual deficiencies can enter the conventional school system.

Rocio Nieto, Founder and President of the Association for Prevention, Rehabilitation and Support to Prostitutes (APRAMP) (Spain): The Association's objective is to enable women who are victims of sexual exploitation and the slave trade to regain their freedom and dignity in training six former victims to create a local network to respond rapidly to emergency situations.

Nour Al Emam, Member of the Board of the Arab Women Media Center (AWMC) (Jordan): The project involves the organization of a media campaign to promote gender equality and raise awareness among the Jordanian public of this cause and of women’s rights with a documentary film that will deal with topics such as women’s unemployment and the discrimination they confront in the work place.

The awards were given out by Christine Albanel, Senior Executive Vice President of Orange and Deputy Chair of the Orange Foundation, by Jacqueline Franjou, Chair of the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society and by Marianne Mairesse, Chief Editor of Marie Claire Magazine.

The Women for Change Award is a joint initiative of the Orange Foundation and the Women’s Forum for Economy and Society, in partnership with Marie Claire magazine. For its third edition, the Women for Change Award puts the spotlight on actions by women of the Mediterranean in 2015 that are committed to improving women’s rights as well as their health, education and integration into the workplace.

Femi Asu wins Ecobank Economic & Business Award at CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards 2015

Ecobank Group Head of Corporate Communications Richard Uku presented the award to Mr Asu at a gala ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi, Kenya on Saturday.

Richard Uku said: “The Ecobank Economics and Business Award recognises the excellence of journalistic reporting in this important field, and we are delighted to present the award to Femi Asu for the talent he has exhibited. Ecobank is pleased to be a long-time partner with CNN and MultiChoice in the promotion of excellence in African journalism.”

In his winning story, Small businesses in death throes as power supply worsens, Femi Asu reports on the issue facing many Nigerian entrepreneurs, and exposes a major problem for those struggling to grow their businesses. He explains how enormous expenses associated with electricity, coupled with worsening power from the national grid, eat into profits. He shows how many young Nigerians, whose projects could create jobs for others and whose success is crucial to growing the economy, are crippled by prohibitive costs and are going out of business.

The judging panel, which selected the entry from among many others spanning 39 nations across the African continent, said: “This is a story about how the lack of stable electricity supply harms small businesses in Nigeria. Femi Asu focused on an issue not particular to Nigeria but to many African countries. With detailed examples, the author demonstrates how businesses are severely affected including in some cases closing down with huge consequences on the country’s economic development. The piece is well written with the reader taken on a journey that highlights the issue with affected individuals and businesses. Excellent research.”

Commenting on his achievement, Femi Asu said: “I am so delighted to be the recipient of the Ecobank Economics & Business Award in this year’s CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards. It means a lot to me, and I appreciate Ecobank’s effort towards boosting the fortunes of business journalism in Africa by sponsoring this award category.”

The CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards rotate location each year in tribute to their pan-African credentials. Ecobank has supported the awards as a corporate sponsor since 2008.

UNESCO-Merck Africa Research Summit - MARS: Special focus on Ebola and emergent infectious diseases

The UNESCO-Merck Africa Research Summit - MARS aims to bring together researchers from across Africa (more than 30 countries) to discuss the generation, sharing and dissemination of research data and to prepare for the road ahead in Africa’s development as an international hub for research excellence and scientific innovation.

The annual Summit aims to contribute to building research capacity in the African research community, with special focus on Ebola and emergent infectious diseases. The Summit will also showcase innovative research taking place in projects, programs and initiatives across African universities, and by the wider African research community. It also aims to Identify Scientific Research Priorities for Evolving Health Needs, and identify opportunities to Capitalise on HIV Research Capacities for Emerging Infectious Diseases in Africa such as Ebola.

UNESCO-MARS will be conducted on a yearly basis which will ensure significant sustainable impact on access to high quality and innovative healthcare solutions, building research capacity and sustaining innovation across Africa.

Viettel Expands in Africa with a Vision to Provide Every Tanzanian with a Mobile Phone

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, Viettel  today announced the launch of mobile and internet services in Tanzania, under the brand name of Halotel. The launch reflects Viettel’s expansion in its tenth market, and to the second biggest economy in East Africa.

Beside 2G services, Viettel’s offerings in this market will bring competitively-priced 3G connectivity to the most remote areas of the country, empowering not just urban but rural areas through connectivity, and offering mobile services as a basic commodity.
“Viettel’s vision is to provide every Tanzanian with a mobile phone and bring communication and information technology to every corner of life of the country. Our entry into Tanzania reflects our belief that when telecommunications services are accessible to everyone, and become a part of everyday life, they can be a driving force contributing to socio-economic development for the country as a whole” said Nguyen Manh Hung, General Director of Viettel Group.

With an initial investment of USD 736 million, after constructing and installing network infrastructure in just one year, Viettel’s operations have enabled services to all 26 provinces in the country across rural and urban areas while creating more than 2,000 direct and 20,000 indirect jobs. With a strong infrastructure comprising 18,000 km of optical cable and more than 3,000 base transceivers, Viettel’s services can cover up to 81% Tanzania’s population. 1,500 villages are now connected for the first time.

The company will also provide free internet connectivity to 450 public schools over the next three years. In addition, Viettel has provided optical cable to 150 committees, 150 public hospitals, 150 police stations and 65 post offices within the first half of the year.

Viettel’s new investment in Africa follows the rollout of services in Burundi and Cameroon through Lumitel and Nexttel earlier this year, and in Mozambique through Movitel in 2014.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kenya first country to launch ‘Novartis Access’, expanding affordable treatment options against chronic diseases

-       Novartis Access is a first-of-its-kind portfolio of products aimed at increasing access to medicines against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory illnesses and breast cancer in low- and low-middle-income countries
-       Program supports Kenyan government on noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention and control – by 2030, NCDs are expected to cause more than 60% of deaths in the country1
-       Agreements signed with Kenyan government and NGOs include programs to distribute medicines, raise disease awareness and strengthen healthcare system capabilities in key NCDs
Novartis (NVS)  announced the launch of Novartis Access in Kenya, the first country to benefit from a portfolio of 15 affordable medicines to treat cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, and breast cancer. The Novartis portfolio is being offered to the Kenyan government, non-governmental organizations and other public-sector healthcare providers for USD 1 per treatment, per month.
“Novartis and Kenya have a relationship of more than 40 years, so I am delighted that Kenyan patients will be the first to benefit from Novartis Access,” said Joerg Reinhardt, Chairman of the Board of Novartis. “The successful implementation of the program in Kenya will be essential to guide the expansion of Novartis Access to other countries in the future.”

In conjunction with the launch of the access portfolio and to support effective treatment of chronic diseases in Kenya, Novartis will partner with the Kenyan Ministry of Health, the Kenyan Red Cross, the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), the Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), Management Sciences for Health (MSH) and other key stakeholders. These collaborations are intended to support the healthcare system through measures such as reinforcing drug distribution channels and training healthcare workers to diagnose and treat chronic illnesses. Novartis is also collaborating with Boston University in the US to measure the impact on health in Kenya and steer ongoing development of Novartis Access.

“I am excited by the proactive steps being taken by our government and Novartis in the fight against cancer and other chronic diseases,” said H.E. Margaret Kenyatta, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya. “Novartis Access complements the advocacy campaign I have been undertaking together with other African First Ladies to expand access to prevention and treatment for people with chronic diseases.”

Some 28 million people die from chronic diseases in low- and middle-income countries each year, representing 75% of such deaths globally.2 In Kenya, NCDs account for 27% of deaths, or almost 100,000 people per year.3 By 2030, NCDs are expected to contribute to more than 60% of the total national mortality.4 In July 2015, the Kenyan government launched a new strategy for the prevention, control and management of NCDs.

“The most pressing health problems can only be solved if the public sector, civil society and the private sector work together,” said Dr. Abbas Gullet, Secretary General of the Kenya Red Cross. “Novartis is making an important contribution to fighting NCDs, but in order for Novartis Access to make a long-term impact, we need to drive it locally.”

The Novartis Access portfolio includes patented and generic Novartis medicines. The products have been selected based on the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List and are among the most commonly prescribed medicines. Following Kenya, Novartis Access will be launched in Ethiopia and Vietnam. Over the coming years, Novartis plans to roll out Novartis Access to 30 countries, depending on demand.  
Novartis expects this new approach to be commercially sustainable over the long term, enabling continuous support in those regions.

UNESCO-Merck Africa Research Summit - MARS: Special focus on Ebola and emergent infectious diseases: Ask your questions LIVE

Up to 100 scientists/researchers from all over Africa, were selected to attend the Summit in Geneva.

Merck Living Innovation will announce the five African winners of the awards for Emergent Young Researchers.
The first three award winners will have a fellowship program for 6 month in Merck R&D hub in Germany and Switzerland.

Journalists interested in participating in this interactive webcast will be able to ASK QUESTIONS LIVE VIA THE INTERNET.

The UNESCO-Merck Africa Research Summit - MARS aims to bring together researchers from across Africa (more than 30 countries) to discuss the generation, sharing and dissemination of research data and to prepare for the road ahead in Africa’s development as an international hub for research excellence and scientific innovation.

The annual Summit aims to contribute to building research capacity in the African research community, with special focus on Ebola and emergent infectious diseases.
The Summit will also showcase innovative research taking place in projects, programs and initiatives across African universities, and by the wider African research community. It also aims to Identify Scientific Research Priorities for Evolving Health Needs, and identify opportunities to Capitalise on HIV Research Capacities for Emerging Infectious Diseases in Africa such as Ebola.
UNESCO-MARS will be conducted on a yearly basis which will ensure significant sustainable impact on access to high quality and innovative healthcare solutions, building research capacity and sustaining innovation across Africa.

PINDA: CCM ITASHINDA BILA WASIWASI *Mzindakaya amnadi Aeshi, amkumbatia, asema yameisha

MJUMBE wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM),
Mhe. Mizengo Pinda amesema CCM itashinda kiti cha Urais bila wasiwasi
kwa sababu ina mgombea mzuri ambaye hawezi kulinganishwa na wagombea
kutoka vyama vingine.

“Mgombea urais kwa tiketi ya CCM, Dkt. John Pombe Magufuli ana mvuto
kwa jamii, mtazamo wake wa wapi anataka kuipeleka Tanzania unaeleweka
na uko wazi, katika utumishi wake ana rekodi nzuri, hapendi watu
wavivu sababu yeye ni mchapakazi,” alisema.

Ametoa kauli hiyo jana (Jumapili, Oktoba 11, 2015) wakati akizungumza
kwa nyakati tofauti na wakazi wa jimbo la Sumbawanga Mjini kwenye
mikutano miwili ya hadhara iliyofanyika katika kijiji cha Mawenzusi,
kata ya Molo na Uwanja wa Stendi ya Chanji uliopo Sumbawanga Mjini.

“Mgombea wetu ni safi sana na hata hao wapinzani wanajua lakini kazi
yao ni kuonyesha kuwa Serikali ya awamu ya nne haijafanya kitu na
kutoa ahadi za uongo kuwa katika siku 100 za mwanzo wataigeuza nchi
iwe kama mbingu. Inawezekana hiyo?” alihoji na kujibiwa na wananchi
kuwa haiwezekani.

Alisema CCM kupitia Ilani yake imetekeleza mambo mengi lakini akakiri
kwamba kazi ya kuleta maendeleo ina changamoto nyingi lakini hazina
budi kupitiwa hatua kwa hatua ili kukabiliana nazo.

Alitumia fursa hiyo kumuombea kura mgombea urais kwa tiketi ya CCM,
Dk. John Pombe Magufuli pamoja na mgombea ubunge wa jimbo hilo, Bw.
Khalfan Aeshi Hilaly. Pia aliwanadi wagombea udiwani wa kata 19 za
jimbo hilo wakiwemo madiwani wa viti maalum ambao walihudhuria
mikutano hiyo.

Katika hatua nyingine, Mbunge wa zamani wa Jimbo la Kwela, Dkt.
Chrissant Mzindakaya ametangaza rasmi kuwa amemsamehe Bw. Khalfan
Aeshi Hilaly ambaye anagombea ubunge jimbo la Sumbawanga Mjini na
kuahidi kufanya naye kazi kuleta maendeleo kwa wananchi wa Manispaa ya
Sumbawanga na vitongoji vyake.

“Tarehe 21 Agosti mwaka huu nilifanya ibada ya kuadhimisha miaka 75 ya
kuzaliwa kwangu. Nilimwita Bwana Aeshi na kutangaza rasmi kwamba
nimemsamehe na yamekwisha, hakuna haja ya baraza kwani kinachotoa
msamaha ni roho ya mtu binafsi,” alisema.

“Nilitamka Zaburi ya 133 ambayo inasema: Tazama, jinsi ilivyo vema
ndugu wakae pamoja na kwa umoja…. Na hapa namuombea kura kwenu
wana-Sumbawanga na wala msamaha wangu kwa Aeshi usiwe ajenda ya
kisiasa. Mbona Sumaye na Mbowe wanamuombea kura Edward Lowassa wakati
wao walikuwa wanamnanga kila siku?” alisema huku akishangiliwa.

Mei 25, 2014 kwenye ibada ya kumuweka wakfu Askofu Mteule Conrad
Nguvumali wa Kanisa la Moravian Tanzania Jimbo la Rukwa iliyofanyika
kwenye Uwanja wa Nelson Mandela, mjini Sumbawanga, Dkt. Mzindakaya
alikataa kumsamehe hadharani Bw. Aeshi Hilaly baada ya kupewa fursa ya
kushikana mikono jukwaani na kusameheana.

Mzee Mzindakaya alikataa kufanya hivyo akisema yeye ni mkristu lakini
hakuwa ameandaliwa kiroho kwa ajili ya tukio hilo. “Hapa ni shughuli
ya kanisa na si mkutano wa Chama. Lazima niwe mkweli leo sijajiandaa
kwa jambo hili… Mimi ni mtu mzima, nafsi ya msamaha inahitaji
maandalizi, nahitaji maandalizi ya kiroho,” alisema.

Dkt Mzindakaya ambaye alikumbatiana jukwaani na Bw. Aeshi na kusema
atashirikiana naye kwa lolote kwa sababu ni kijana wake, alitumia
fursa hiyo pia kumuombea kura Dk. Magufuli kwa sababu ni mtu safi na
ni mchapakazi mwenye nia ya kuibadilisha Tanzania kiuchumi kupitia
sekta ya viwanda.

“Miaka 10 ijayo Tanzania itakuwa inaongoza kwa wingi wa viwanda. Wiki
ijayo Rais Kikwete anaweka jiwe la msingi kwenye kiwanda cha chuma...
hiki kitakuwa kiwanda cha nne kwa ukubwa barani Afrika,” alisema.

Aliwataka Watanzania wawapime wanaowania urais kwa vitendo kwani
baadhi yao miezi kadhaa iliyopita walikuwa wakimsifu Rais Kikwete na
Serikali yake lakini sasa hivi wanamkebehi.

“Rais ni mteule wa Mungu na Ikulu ni mahali patakatifu. Lazima
tupeleke mtu aliye safi, aliyetakata na mwenye mikono safi, na huyo si
mwingine bali ni Dkt. Magufuli,” alisema.

PINDA APOKEA 205 WALIOREJESHA KADI CCM *Wamo wenyeviti nane wa vitongoji

MJUMBE wa Kamati Kuu ya Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) ambaye pia ni mjumbe
wa Halmashauri Kuu ya CCM (NEC), Mhe. Mizengo Pinda amepokea kadi tisa
kati ya 205 zilizorejeshwa na wanachama wa CHADEMA katika kata ya
Mamba, wilaya ya Mlele kwenye jimbo la uchaguzi la Kavuu.

Ametoa kauli hiyo jana (Jumatano, Oktoba 7, 2015) wakati akizungumza
kwa nyakati tofauti na wakazi wa jimbo la Kavuu kwenye mikutano mitatu
ya hadhara iliyofanyika katika kata za Mamba, Mwamapuli na Usevya.

Mhe. Pinda alikuwa  mbunge kwenye jimbo hilo ambalo limegawanywa na
kupata majimbo matatu ya Nsimbo, Katavi na Kavuu. Wakati huo lilikuwa
likijulikana kama Jimbo moja la Katavi.

Alisema katika kipindi hiki cha kampeni, uongozi wa wilaya umepokea
wanachama 126 kutoka kata ya Chamalendi, 15 kutoka Kasansa ambao
wanane kati yao ni wenyeviti wa vitongoji, tisa kutoka Mamba na 62
kutoka Majimoto. Wanahama hao wametoka vyama vya HADEMA na ADT

Alisema anastaafu akiwa na amani moyoni mwake kutokana na juhudi
ambazo Serikali ya awamu ya nne imezifanya kwenye mkoa wa Katavi.
“Niliamua kuacha kugombea ubunge kwa sababu ninatambua kuwa kuna watu
wengine wenye uwezo wa kuongoza,” alisema.

“Ninaondoka nikiwa nimefarijika kwa sababu Serikali imetupatia mkoa
mpya wa Katavi, tumepata wilaya tatu, halmashauri tatno na majimbo
matano ya uchaguzi. Hii itawapa fursa ya kupanga mipango yenu kupitia
madiwani wenu tofauti na zamani tulipokuwa tukisubiri kila kitu kitoke
Rukwa,” alisema.

Akizungumzia mafanikio ya serikali ya awamu ya nne, Mhe. Pinda alisema
Serikali ya CCM imekamilisha suala la mawasiliano ya simu na sasa hivi
inakamilisha suala la umeme ambao alisema hivi punde utaanza
kupatikana kwenye bonde la Rukwa.

“mwanzoni tulitaka umeme utoke Chala hadi huku bondeni lakini
kitaalamu ikabainika kwamba kadri unavyosafirishwa ndivyo unavyozidi
kupungua nguvu. Kwa hiyo. Wataalamu wameamua kuchukua umeme kutoka
Muze kuja Kasansa hadi Majimoto,” alisema huku akishangiliwa.

Alitumia fursa hiyo kumuombea kura mgombea urais kwa tiketi ya CCM,
Dk. John Pombe Magufuli pamoja na mgombea ubunge wa jimbo la Kavuu,
Dk. Pudensiana Kikwembe. Pia aliwanadi wagombea udiwani wa kata tisa
za jimbo hilo wakiwemo madiwani wa  kata za Mamba, Majimoto,
Mwamapuli, Ikuba, Mbede, na Kibaoni ambao walihudhuria mikutano hiyo

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya CCM na Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda  akizungumza na wanafunzi wa shule ya sekondari ya Ilembe wialya ya Sumbawnga Vijijini baada ya kuhutubia mkutano wa Kapeni za CCM katika kijiji cha Ilemba.
 Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya CCM na Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akipokea kadi ya chama cha ACT kutoka kwa aliyekuwa mgombea Udiwani wa Chama hicho katika kata ya Ilemba, Bw. Sospeter Magese aliyekihama chaa hicho na kurejea  CCM katika mkutano wa Kampeni za CCM uliohutubiwa na Mheshimiwa Pinda  katika kijiji cha Ilembea.


 Kada mkongwe wa Chama cha Mapinduzi,aliyejiengua hivi karibuni ,Kingunge Ngombalemwiru akisalimia wakati wa mkutano wa kampeni za kumnadi mgombea Urais kupitia Chadema na Vyama vinavyounda Umoja wa katiba ya wananchi UKAWA uliofanyika katika viwanja vya mashujaa mjini Moshi.
Kada mkongwe wa Chama cha Mapinduzi,aliyejiengua hivi karibuni ,Kingunge Ngombalemwiru akimkaribisha mgombea Urais kupitia Chadema na Vyama vinavyounda Umoja wa katiba ya wananchi UKAWA ,Edward Lowasa kuzungumza na wakazi wa mji wa Moshi katika viwanja vya Mashujaa mjini Moshi.


 Executive Director of Tanzania Investment Centre Ms. JulietKairuki welcomes the President of Republic of Kenya H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta to the Forum.
President of the Republic of Kenya  H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta arrives at the venue of
the Kenya-Tanzania Business Forum. He is escorted by Kenyan Minister of Industrialization
and Enterprise Development.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

PwC FY15 global revenues increase 10% to US$ 35.4 billion

-       Double-digit growth in Middle East and Africa (16%), North America and the Caribbean (12%) and Australasia and Pacific Islands (11%)
-       PwC’s strategy in Africa mirrored that of its international clients who are also expanding across the continent
-       “We have great confidence in the future of Africa and are investing heavily in talent and skills development”
-       The South African firm recently appointed Dion Shango, a South African citizen, as the Southern Africa CEO role with effect from 1 July 2015
 The PwC  network reported total global gross revenues of US$35.4 billion for the fiscal year ended on 30 June 2015. At constant exchange rates, PwC's total global revenues rose by 10%. This is up markedly from the previous year and the strongest year-on-year growth that the network has seen since FY07. Growth was strong across all lines of business and in all geographic regions.

“The global business environment remains challenging, with a continuing patchy economic picture, geopolitical issues creating uncertainty for business and fierce competition in the professional services market.  Despite these challenges the PwC network performed exceptionally well in FY15 with growth of 10%, pushing revenues over the US$35 billion mark for the first time,” said Dennis M. Nally, Chairman of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd.

“Our strongest growth for eight years is a result of the significant investment we have made in recruiting the best people, enhancing the quality of our services and building new product offerings such as data analytics.  We have also continued to make key strategic acquisitions to complement and expand our core business.

“Technology is transforming all aspects of our lives and every business, so we are working in alliances with market leaders such as Google and others, to bring the latest and best technology thinking to our clients.

“The PwC brand has been acknowledged as the strongest professional services brand in the world and this reputation is built on the energy, enthusiasm and quality of our 208,000 people and their commitment to working with all of our stakeholders to build trust and to solve important problems.

“There’s much to be proud of and I think we have strong momentum going into FY16 with many significant accomplishments to build on.
All of our lines of business and geographic regions are growing, the acquisition of Booz & Company (now Strategy&) has provided a major boost to our capabilities and we are now the leading organisation in our ability to provide services ranging from strategy right through to execution.  We recruited 53,000 new people last year and plan to recruit even more in FY16 from a broader range of countries and with a wide range of skills, as we expand our capabilities to match the increasingly diverse demands of our stakeholders.

“While there is large variation around the world and some countries will continue to struggle, overall we predict stronger global economic growth of 3.6% in 2016,” added Dennis Nally.

Regional results

PwC member firms in North America and the Caribbean continued to grow very strongly with revenue growth of 12%.
Our largest firm, PwC US, enjoyed an impressive year with revenues up 10% to US$12.2 billion and strong growth in all lines of service.

Revenues from South and Central America remained buoyant, up 8% – although this growth is down from the previous year impacted by the tough ongoing economic conditions in Brazil.

Revenue growth in Asia was also strong in FY15 up by 9% to US$4.1 billion. 
PwC’s continued focus on service development and expansion in Asia paid dividends with PwC’s firms in China and Hong Kong growing by 8% and India by 17%. While the economic situation in China looks more challenging in the year ahead, we continue to be optimistic and believe we are well placed to enjoy growth in the year ahead.

Growth also increased impressively across Europe with revenues up 8% in Western Europe and 6% in Central and Eastern Europe. The UK firm, PwC’s second largest, also performed strongly with revenues up 9% to US$4.1 billion, recording particularly good growth in its Assurance and Advisory services.  PwC’s firms in Italy grew by 11%, Germany 8% and France 6%.

PwC enjoyed double digit growth in the Middle East and Africa with revenues up 16%.

Hein Boegman, CEO of PwC Africa, said that the global firm expects increasing growth in the emerging markets in the next few years.
“We embarked upon an ambitious investment strategy in Africa in 2012 to build PwC into the leading network in Africa, which is paying dividends. We have invested substantially in the region and our people, and are firmly embedded in the local communities. Our practice in Africa with its over 10,000 staff members is a strategically important asset in the PwC Global network.”

Boegman said PwC’s strategy in Africa mirrored that of its international clients who are also expanding across the continent. “We clearly see the opportunity in Africa is huge for a number of reasons. For instance, the level of political democracy has improved significantly over the past 20 years and in the past five years we have seen the discovery of oil & gas reserves in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania, Ghana and Angola.

“We have great confidence in the future of Africa and are investing heavily in talent and skills development to ensure that we have the right people in the right place to continue to provide value for our clients in the years ahead.”

The South African firm recently appointed Dion Shango as the Southern Africa CEO role with effect from 1 July 2015. 
Shango, a South African citizen, is the first African black to be appointed in this role within PwC. PwC South African Board Chair, Shirley Machaba, was elected to the PwC Global Board - the first female black partner to be elected to the Global Board. “This bears testimony to our commitment to diversity and inclusion, which are also key focus areas for our global firm,” adds Boegman.
Growth was also good across the Australasia and the Pacific Islands region with revenues up by 11% with strong growth in Australia where revenues grew by 10%.

Africa tourism set for sustained growth

The hotel and tourism industry in Africa is beginning a period of sustained growth, according to the sector’s leading experts gathered at the Africa Hotel Investment Forum in Addis Ababa

The conference heard that inward international flights were recovering after being hit by the ebola outbreak.
And the hotel sector reported significant expansion, as well as increased visitor numbers, boosted by demand from African business.

Now in its fifth year, AHIF (30 September to 1 October 2015)  brought together 500-plus leading international hotel investors, local operators, ministers, government officials and industry experts from around 40 countries.

The immediate good news came from ForwardKeys, which monitors future travel patterns by analysing 14 million reservation transactions each day.
Its analysis showed there was an increase of 6.4% in international arrivals in September in Sub-Saharan Africa. The upturn marked a turning point after the ebola outbreak, which had wiped out four years of strong growth.

Flight bookings for the next six months suggest a sustained recovery. The data shows arrivals on-the-book (bookings for travel in future) from October 2015 to March 2016 are now running 4% ahead, compared with the same period last year. (See graph in Multimedia content.)

The growing opportunities for investment in hotels on the continent were revealed in the African Hotel Report 2015.
Hotel Partners Africa identified the top ten opportunities. Nigeria heads the list with the strongest economy, but with only 34 branded hotel bedrooms per million population. This compares with 6,754 branded hotel bedrooms per million population in North America and 2,432 bedrooms per million in Europe. Ghana with 59 bedrooms and Cote d’Ivoire with 61 bedrooms also present great opportunities with very strong unmet demand. [See Multimedia content: Supply of Branded Hotels in Africa (by Region)]

The 2015 African Hotel Valuation Index, released at the conference by HVS, revealed that the African hotel sector was becoming less reliant on foreign visitors with increased demand from local businesses.
The Index showed African hotel brands such as Azalai, City Lodge and Protea were trading well, with a number of hotel investors showing faith in the conti

Monday, October 05, 2015


Balozi Dr. Diodorus Buberwa Kamala (kushoto) akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na mwenyekiti wa taasisi ya Global Change for Africa Award Mhe. Dr. Phillip Collins baada ya kutunukiwa nishani ya Balozi Bora wa Afrika Brussels wa mwaka 2015. Balozi Kamala katunukiwa nishani hiyo jijini Berlin Ujerumani kwa kuzingatia utendaji wake alipokuwa Waziri wa Afrika Mashariki, Mwenyekiti wa Mabalozi wa Afrika, Mwenyekiti wa Mabalozi wa Afrika, Karibiani na Pacific, na Balozi wa Tanzania Ubeligiji, Uholanzi, Luxembourg na Jumuiya ya Ulaya.


Kampuni ya Tigo Tanzania kwa kushirikiana na shirika lisilokuwa la kiserikali linalotoa misaada katika jamii lijulikanalo kama Hassan Maajar Trust (HMT) wametoa mchango wa madawati 700 yenye thamani ya shilingi za kitanzania milioni 49 kwenye shule za msingi 32  katika wilaya ya Rungwe, Mbozi na wilaya ya Mbeya Mjini.
Akizungumza katika hafla ya makabidhiano iliyofanyika katika moja ya shule jijini Mbeya, Meneja Mkuu wa Tigo, Diego Gutierrez alisema: “ mchango huu ni sambamba na dhamira ya kampuni ya kuunga mkono mipango ya kijamii kupitia wigo wake wa kushirikisha jamii”.
“Kupitia mchango huu, kampuni ya Tigo inawajibika katika kutengeneza viongozi wa baadaye wakiwamo madaktari, wahandisi na wataalamu wengine wa nchi hii, "alisema Gutierrez.
Alisema, katika miezi ya hivi karibuni kampuni ilitoa mchango kama huo wa madawati katika mikoa ya Iringa na Shinyanga, ikiwa ni sehemu ya ahadi ya dola za Marekani 50,000 kwa serikali, ahadi ambayo kampuni ya Tigo ilitoa mwaka jana ili kusaidia kukabiliana na uhaba wa madawati katika shule za umma nchini.

Makabidhiano yalishuhudiwa na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mbeya Abbas Kandoro ambaye alisema madawati hayo700 yataboresha mazingira ya kujifunzia kwa watoto katika wilaya hizo tatu, akitoa wito kwa wadau wengine wenye mapenzi mema kujitolea na kujiunga kwenye jitihada za kukabiliana na sehemu iliyobaki ya uhaba wa madawati mkoani humo.

SINA KINYONGO NA DK. MAGUFULI - PINDA *Ataka watu watunze shahada zao

MJUMBE wa Kamati Kuu ya Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) ambaye pia ni mjumbe
wa Halmashauri Kuu ya CCM (NEC), Mhe. Mizengo Pinda amesema yeye hana
kinyongo na uteuzi wa Dk. John Pombe Magufuli kuwa mgombea urais kwa
tiketi ya CCM kwa sababu anaamini kuwa Mungu alikwishamuandaa.

“Tulikuwa wengi kwenyhe kinyang’anyiro cha urais lakini Makamu wa Rais
ametolewa, Waziri Mkuu aliyepo ametolewa, Mawaziri Wakuu wastaafu
wametolewa, Majaji na mabalozi wametolewa, mawaziri wengine
wametolewa; hivi ni kwa nini useme kwamba wewe tu ndiye unayefaa
kuteuliwa? Ni kwamba Mungu alikwishamuandaa mmoja wetu,” alisema.

Ametoa kauli hiyo jana (Jumamosi, Oktoba 3, 2015) wakati akizungumza
kwa nyakati tofauti na wakazi wa jimbo la Mpanda Vijijini kwenye
mikutano minne ya hadhara iliyofanyika katika kata za Kasekese,
Kapalamsenga, Karema na Ikola.

“Magufuli ni muadilifu, ni mchapakazi, hana blah blah za kisiasa na
hapendi rushwa. Ni mtu anayetaka kuona matokeo na mwenye kujali watu
wanyonge. Nimefanya naye kazi kwa muda mrefu, ninamfahamu, ninaomba
mumpe kura ya ndiyo ifikapo terehe 25 Oktoba,” alisema Mhe. Pinda
wakati akimuombea kura Dk. Magufuli.

Akizungumzia mafanikio ya serikali ya awamu ya nne, Mhe. Pinda alisema
Serikali ya CCM imefanya kazi nzuri kwa kufungua barabara za vijijini
akitoa mfano wa barabara ya Mpanda hadi Karema ambayo alisema
imeboreshwa tofauti na ilivyokuwa miaka 10 iliyopita.

“Wakati huo ukitoka Mpanda kuja Karema ilimchukua mtu hadi siku tatu
wakati ni umbali wa km. 150 tu… leo hii mtu anatoka Karema hadi Mpanda
na kuunganisha mabasi ya Mwanza siku hiyo hiyo,” alisema.

Alisema katika Ilani ya Uchaguzi ya mwaka 2015, Serikali ya awamu ya
tano imepanga kujenga reli mpya ya viwango vya kimataifa (standard
gauge) kutoka Kaliua kupitia Mpanda hadi Karema. Alisema anaamini reli
hiyo itakuwa ni kiungo cha kuleta maendeleo ya haraka kwenye ukanda
huo wa Magharibi.

Alisema Seikali itaendelea kuwaletea maendeleo wanandhi ikiwemo
kubotesha huduma za maji, umeme na mawasiliano ya simu.

Aliwataka wakazi wa jimbo hilo watunze shahada za kupigia kura na
wasikubali kurubuniwa na mtu yeyote iwe kwa fedha au kitu chochote.
“Usikubali kumpa mtu shahada yaka hata kama ni motto wako. Ninawasihi
mjitokeze kwa wingi siku ya kupiga kura wala msisikilize vitisho vya
mtu yeyote kwamba hakutakuwa na amani,” alisema.

Mhe. Pinda alitumia fursa hiyo kumnadi mgombea ubunge wa Jimbo la
Mpanda Vijijini, Bw. Selemani Moshy Kakoso pamoja na madiwani wa kata
zote nne.

Akiwa Karema, Mhe. Pinda alipokea kadi za wanachama waliorejea CCM
kutoka vyama vya CHADEMA NA ACT Wazalendo.